FREE 2-hour somatic experience to access your highest timeline in business, love, and womanhood through the lenses of your nervous system

oct 31st

FREE 2-hour somatic experience to access your highest timeline in business, love, and womanhood through the lenses of your nervous system

oct 31st

You're a leader and you are here to move, transform and awaken people. 

You're here to lead by example and that requires you to be ahead of the game. 

In love, business, life. 

You're here to go first, stretch your edges, and do the impossible. 

You can keep on journaling to imagine – using your mind – your dream business, relationship, and connection to yourself. 

Or you can go ALL IN – using your body – to actually embody your new identity as a leader, beloved, and woman destined to have it all. 

You don't want an ordinary life, an ordinary business, or an ordinary relationship. 

You're here to live a life that is exponential, fully alive, and limitless. 

tell me if this is you

You have explored all kinds of “mental spirituality”: meditation, journaling, affirmations, talking therapy but you’ve reached a limit of how deep you can go. Somatic and nervous system work is your next edge and you’re so curious to explore it.

Whether you're a new or a seasoned entrepreneur, there's one thing you know for you: you're not available to run your business in ways that leave you feeling overwhelmed or even burnt out. You want to learn how to somatically release stress and scale your business much more ease, pleasure and spaciousness. 

You deeply desire to have it all in life. And you also find yourself holding so much – clients, responsibility, personal life – that you're spreading yourself too thin. You're longing to experience spaciousness and have the nervous system capacity to actually receive it all.

You tend to approach your life through your mind: whether it's strategizing in business or analyzing your relationship patterns. You desire to be more in your body, lead your life more intuitively and access your bodily wisdom.

You know it in your bones that you're destined for a much bigger life, bigger love, bigger wealth, bigger joy.

You're completely done playing small and watching others play in the area.

You're ready to become the damn center of the arena.

welcome to

holy woman

FREE 2-hour somatic experience to access your highest timeline in business, love, and womanhood through the lenses of your nervous system

October 31st


→ learn how to calibrate to your your next version love & leadership through the body

→ understand the difference between a mind-based vs body-based life

→ end the narrative that success must come with sacrifice 

→ explore how to hold both scaling your business and surrendering to love 

→ understand how to move from stress and overwhelm to body-deep spaciousness 

holy woman

Inside the

What's included inside

holy woman

that will help you step into our highest timeline when it comes to love, success and being a woman. 

for you to step into your new identity as a leader, beloved, & woman at the nervous system level.

If you can't make it live, the replay will be available until Sunday Nov 3rd. 

for now, but it will be made into a paid offer after the live event is over.

A 2-hour experience on Thu Oct 31st 

A potent somatic ceremony

The event is meant to be experienced live!

This retreat is completely FREE

Aurika was so successful in preparing me for sacred union that by the time we were nearly completing our mentorship container, I was married to my beloved!.

Aurika is beyond reliable, she is anchored in self-mastery, she walks her talk, she is beautifully empathic, eloquent and VERY thorough.

She held me more deeply, and with greater integrity and masterful dedication to detail, than anyone else I have ever hired to support me.

Aurika's essence is quite rare and extraordinary, and she is endlessly more embodied, authentic, trustworthy, experienced and multidimensional than most people who call themselves “coaches” online.

Feminine Arts @solar.feminine.arts 

Christina Louise McBoyle  |

these success stories could be you

The deep work that we did in every call created a ripple effect in my life.

The gifts and blessings one receives after every session are priceless.


Personal Brand Mentor @palomabloom  

Paloma  | 

I am a multi 6-figure CEO, somatic practitioner, business strategist, and an intimacy coach. Being a somatic practitioner first and foremost, my work is greatly focused on nervous system healing and expansion. I also happen to be a nerd (hello Virgo Rising!) who is obsessed with all things strategy.

After having guided hundreds of women in my in-depth long-term programs, my deepest soul's calling is to support female leaders desiring to have it all – holistic success, love, wealth, peace, aliveness, and impact, the body-led way.

My work is nuanced, precise, and grounded – it will take you to places you didn't even know existed within your body and business success.


Where being a woman is a sacred experience. 
Where your body is a living temple.
Where you come fully alive through the way you live, love & lead.

THE HOLY WOMAN is a stand for you to live your most embodied, fulfilling, expansive life.

holy woman   holy woman   holy woman

register for the free event here:

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