You are here becauseā€¦ 

  • You are a coach, healer, visionary, personal development expert with a passionate vision in your heart.

  • Your business is generating 1-3k per month. Your results have been inconsistent. You desire to be serving, enrolling clients and feeling confident AF in not only putting yourself out there but also getting paid for your sacred work.

  • You've been trying to figure it all out on your own andā€¦ you're tired of throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks. You have watched all the masterclasses, tried to replicate what other successful people do, invested in programs. You've picked up a lot of different tactics but they don't seem to work for you. You want your business to feel like a well-oiled machine šŸ’¦, not a puzzle with missing pieces.
  • You've been doing your best to show up in your business consistently while also juggling many other things in life. You're desiring help with managing your time & energy and well as creating solid structures to show up consistently (but without the overwhelm!).

  • You're not available to lead a business in the old ways that lead to burn out, feeling continuous pressure and overwhelm. You desire a business that honors your nervous system and reflects who you are as a woman first and foremost.

  • You are ready to play full out for the next three months to make some big AF moves šŸ’ŖšŸ˜‰





 at what's going on behind the scenes

Going ALL IN inside of your business can be edgy, scary, and vulnerable. I get it. A soul-led business takes not only a lot of courage but also immense emotional resilience to keep on going before you see any results.

If you're like me at the beginning of creating my business, you may be wondering:

Do I really have what it takes to monetize my passion?
How do I feel safe and confident in putting myself out there?
How do I cut through the noise of social media?
How much do I charge? What do I sell?
Where do I even begin?

It all begins with a simple & robust strategic foundation that you can confidently stand on and grow for years to come.

This foundation is elevated by having a resourced nervous system & somatic support to overcome any challenges as you evolve into the leader you're here to become.

welcome to



5 months of accelerated business strategy, energetics & somatics to lay lasting foundations, lead confidently, and create success on your own terms


you will:

I have the nervous system capacity to take on new things. While growing my business, gaining 20 new clients, expanding to powerful in-person work, I also dropped in as a wife and mother and connected to my deep sacred femininity so much more.

I am genuinely living my best life in so many ways.
I have grown as a woman and a leader. I have deepened into my womanhood. I feel unstoppable, powerful, and intuitive all at the same time.

I recommend Aurika's mentorship with my whole heart.
If you are a deeply feminine woman wanting to create a truly successful business, there is no other program for you!

Thanks to Aurika's business coaching, I expanded my business path to something I never imagined (but always dreamed of). 

Somatic & Conscious Parenting Coach

Hannah McDaniel  |

Hear it from my client

Genesis is not for you if:

You don't know the area you want build your business in and need help with discovering your purpose

You are looking for cookie cutter strategy
and hope to find a "secret formula" to overnight success

You have a product based business

You are brand new
in what you do & have never had clients 

You don't know the area you want build your business in and need help with discovering your purpose
You are looking for cookie cutter strategy
and hope to find a "secret formula" to overnight success
You have a product based business

You are brand new in what you do & have never had clients 

Your work is not a passion project. Nor is it a hobby.

It is a business that needs you to show up as a true CEO ā€“ devoted to a mission bigger than you, backed by effective strategy, and living a life that reflects your deepest values. 


What you'll learn inside Genesis

Channel your story, past experience, qualifications, strengths and values into a solid vision that will stand the test of time. Nail your core message and values. Let your Why be the fuel for everything you do. Own your unique voice and stand in your truth as a way to cut through the noise online šŸ‘‘


Identify your ideal client who is dying to work with a mentor like you! Connect to your client's deeper psychology and make them feel seen and empowered at the soul level. Learn how to speak to her in precise and compelling ways so that she's ready to invest.


Create your signature offer that reflects your genius and solves real, essential problems your dream client has. Get crystal clear on the transformation your offer provides and sell it with devotion & unwavering conviction. Ensure a seamless client journey from the moment they join your world.


Attracting dream clients through the power of precise messaging. Learn how to create an audience of ideal clients who know and trust you as their go-to mentor. Explore tactics to create content that deeply touches your dream clients, making them feel seen and ready to work with you. This module is a truly perfect blend of strategy mixed with creativity and energetics!


Mastering the Instagram trinity: posts, stories, and DMs. Explore how to sell on stories, discover my secrets for creating magnetic reels and carousels, and create meaningful relationships with potential dream clients in your DMs. This module will help you fall in love with the infinite possibilities on IG, capitalize on this platform to market your business & build a truly magnetic presence online.


Receive live content review by Aurika in order to be clear on how to elevate your messaging, articulate the depth of work that you do and sell more effortlessly. . This call also includes sales page reviews to ensure that your sales page is drool-worthy šŸ¤¤ for your dream clients, reflects your genius, and converts. 

6. Content Lab.

Feel confident to sell your sacred offerings and learn creative sales tactics that feel amazing for you and your client. Understand why sales is a sacred service and forever drop the "ick" or feeling salesly. Explore sales psychology and ethical marketing to attract empowered, self-led clients ready to go ALL IN with you.


Somatically transform any emotional blocks and self-sabotage to embodied power. Learn tools to create unshakable self-confidence in the rollercoaster of running a business. Create resilience to keep on showing up even before you see results šŸ’„


A strong business needs a solid backend! Learn about different ways to automate processes to (and instead use your precious time on ROI-creating tasks). Explore the best tools and systems for time and task management, web hosting, email marketing, payments, content editing and so much more. 


Drop any excuses, establish standards and set boundaries as a way to protect your energy and grow your business sustainably. Master focus to get more done in less time and reduce your working hours while creating better results. Lead yourself through any challenges like a boss šŸ”„


The logistics

5 months starting October 7th 2024

Biweekly group calls for Q&A hot seat coaching

Somatic practices (live and prerecorded) to help you grow your business holistically 

Group chat for community and support by Aurika in between the calls (here's where a LOT of the magic will be happening)

Weekly audio trainings by Aurika depending on the needs of the group

Curated group pods with other women to create more accountability and momentum!


Access to Creative Momentum, my messaging and social media content immersion to create content that moves and converts. 

Prompts to create irresistible social media content so that you never run out of ideas for high quality content.

Templates to get a killer testimonialā€“let your past clients' success stories inspire and draw new clients in!

And here's my favorite Bonus!šŸŽ Training on creating your signature in person workshop in order to expand your client base and enroll clients in your online offers ā†’ An incredible way to get through the noise online!

what my clients are saying

the business skills

you'll develop inside GENESIS:

Having a clear brand story and owning your personal & professional strengths as a way to stand out from the crowd

Moving away from being generic copy and speaking to everybody to being specific in your messaging and speaking to your soulmate client only

Knowing how to use powerbody messaging in order to attract empowered clients who are ready to invest

Creating your signature offering and learning a repeatable process to create irresistible offers many times again

Having effective creating routines and becoming consistent in creating & sharing content that actually converts

Somatically cultivating staying power and holding the ebbs & flows of business with ease

Feeling confident and relaxed when selling your offers every day & having FUN when selling and launching!

Becoming a masterful CEO who effectively values her time, protects her energy, and is focused on the long-term vision instead of chasing overnight success




It reminded me that I am a woman first and that my business won't survive if I don't take care of myself first. Receiving Aurika nuanced, individualized feedback, and business strategy ideas for my business is priceless.

I love Aurika's sweetness and compassion as much as her fierce, no-fluff insights. Such honesty and transparency are truly rare in this coaching industry.

Aurika's business mastermind is the most transformative and generous program I've ever completed! It not only provides lessons for your business, but also for life and every aspect of you.

Somatic Practitioner 

Iara Vilardebo  |

this success story could be you

What is it like to be inside GENESIS?

Imagine being immersed in high level business strategy teachings and conversations that ignite your vision and motivation to boldly go after your dreams.

Imagine being in a truly supportive space where you are supported in every step of the way, receiving thorough guidance by Aurika during calls on all things business, leadership, and the nervous system.

Imagine being in a dynamic, genuine, and safe space where you can show up just the way you are
and feel held through the highs and the lows of entrepreneurship.

Imagine having continuous access to an array of practical, effective somatic tools
to transform fears into power and expand your nervous system capacity for more.

Imagine experiencing a sense of belonging and feeling held in a community
of other powerful, deep, women like you committed to going ALL IN with their business.




Aurika's work is a breath of fresh air in the coaching industry, and I find her thought leadership so needed at this time to usher in this new paradigm.

She leads in respect to her values, embodying that which she teaches with a high level of vulnerability and full spectrum realness that is so rare.

Aurika is a lighthouse. Every transmission from her truly feels like a beacon where I feel gracefully met where I was at and also powerfully called forward.

Jungian life coach

Natalie Mal  |



meet aurika

Let's build your life's work, not a season's. 

I'll be honest, the first year in my business was a complete havoc. I went from making $1k per month to a 6fig year with a passion to serve way bigger than my entrepreneurial skillset. I remember launching my first group program where I even forgot to add the payment processor (on the website that I built myself) so I received payments via a manual bank transfer.

I was in the classical feast and feminine cycle making 37k one month and 2k the next. So much new growth, visibility, wealth, and responsibility overwhelmed my nervous system.

When I got strategic with actually building out robust foundations for my business, I was able to scale it in a sustainable and spacious way. But it was only when I brought in deeper nervous system work that everything exploded and led to consistent revenue, ever-growing loyal community, and success that includes not only money but also peace, vitality, and freedom of time.

I am a CEO, founder, somatic practitioner and business coach as well as a podcaster and writer.

I am adamant about creating a holistic business that honors strategy, energetics, and somatic work. After having guided hundreds of women in my in-depth long-term programs, my deepest soul's calling is to support female leaders to cut through the noise and create success on their own terms.

what my clients are saying



all of the above, plus

3 x 1:1 (60min) business strategy calls



1 payment of

6 monthly payments of


6 monthly payments of

1 payment of



general admission:

includes all of the above

You can spend another five years trying to figure out everything on your own or throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks.

Or you can decide
to go ALL In

learn how to build solid business foundations that will stand the test of time, and actually create a scalable, profitable business of your dreams. Not in five years. Today.

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Want personal shares, spiritually activating wisdom, business strategy, and relationship tips to your inbox every week? 

Want to feel more relaxed, alive, & nourished?

Take this free 3 minute quiz and discover which area in your life is most needing a somatic reset.

You'll immediately get a custom somatic practice to nourish that specific area in your life.

take the quiz

