Create a life where you get to have it all. 


 Body-ld way.




 Body-ld way.


Out of all places, you landed here because you want to do things differently.

He, we re commied to  life whe:

You get to have both deep, devotional love AND massive business success.

You have a business that leaves you rich not just in cash but also in freedom of time to do the things you love.

You feel nourished, fulfilled, and relaxed as part of your money making strategy.

You get to have both deep, devotional love AND massive business success.

You have a business that leaves you rich not just in cash but also in freedom of time to do the things you love.

You feel nourished, fulfilled, and relaxed as part of your money making strategy.

Claim big


I welcome you to a new era of your life where your body and your nervous system are the x-factor for you to have it ALL in life.


The woman behind the mission

Somac Praition.

somac praition. Buness Stratest. 

somac praition. buness stratest.  Intimacy Coa.

Hi beloved! I am Aurika Valan. My devotion is to helping you create a life where you're well-loved, well-paid, and well-rested.

I help high achieving visionary female entrepreneurs build sustainable, wildly successful businesses that are rich not only in revenue but also in pleasure, ease, and time.

I also help them create relationships where they feel safe, cherished, and chosen.

When your body leads, you get to have it all.

Welcome back home.

I am the pfe mtor for the woman who 

is ready to burn all excuses to the ground
is devoted to having it all
wants both big love and big wealth
does not fit into a box of a niche or a title
desires high level strategy, structure & grounded support
yearns for ease, spaciousness & nourishment
wants to explore somatic & nervous system work
places love at the center of her life
gets turned on by words like "devotion, surrender, respecting the masculine"

Feeling spacious to do what you love with the people you love is everything. We care about simplifying business, getting more done in less time, and learning how to manage our focus & energy as ways to build a spacious, freedom-filled life.


+ Individualized business strategy 

+ powerbody-led marketing & sales

+ Body first, business second

+ Financial sustainability & MRR

+ full truth & uncensored humanness

+ devotion to love, family, & home

Focus on the word Individualized: we don't do cookie cutter 5 step methods; we develop strategy that follows your unique strengths, capacity, and values.

Over here, we love: seamless systems, aligned team, simple operations AND grounded strategy that inspires you to execute your biggest visions to completion.

+ Individualized business strategy 

+ powerbody-led marketing & sales

+ Body first, business second

+ Financial sustainability & MRR

+ full truth & uncensored humanness

+ devotion to love, family, & home

In the era of shiny marketing, we prefer to underpromise and overdeliver (aka as the recipe for client retention). We speak to clients' powerbody, not painbody. Here, clients and service come before profit and we approach sales as a genuine relationship. 

+ powerbody-led marketing & sales

+ Body first, business second

+ Financial sustainability & MRR

+ full truth & uncensored humanness

+ devotion to love, family, & home

When the body comes first, everything expands: you scale your business from a place of pleasure, you can rely on the bodily wisdom for guidance, and feel nourished whether it's time to launch or make love. 

+ Body first, business second

+ Financial sustainability & MRR

+ full truth & uncensored humanness

+ devotion to love, family, & home

Monthly recurring revenue is one of the secret turn ons…for the nervous system. We have a special passion for creating a strategic offer suite that equals client retention and stacked up revenue you can rely on for many months ahead 💸

+ Financial sustainability & MRR

+ full truth & uncensored humanness

+ devotion to love, family, & home

Growing as a woman, leader, and beloved you'll experience lots of deaths and rebirths. I'm here for it all: if need be, with my hands deep in the mud together with you. Here, we don't walk on eggshells, say how things really are, and invite your full-spectrum humanness.

+ devotion to love, family, & home

+ full truth & uncensored humanness

The boss babe era is not the vibe here. We believe that true fulfillment in life includes prioritizing love, profound intimacy, and learning how to truly love and respect the Masculine. We care not just about growing not just as CEOs but also as women deeply devoted to love, family, and home. 

+ devotion to love, family, & home


values & philosophy

Having it all requires a completely different approach.

One that is not found in blindly following someone else's "5 proven steps to achieving your goals" and grinding your way to the top.

This is how we do life & business over here

My incredible clients are a living embodiment of the exponential growth that inevitably happens when you apply these values, somatic healing, and business strategy to your life. 

Today my clients are constently

Choosing a more relaxing, easier way to do business that is in alignment with their bodies and values

Innovating in their business strategy, creating monthly recurring revenue, and financial freedom

Creating and selling their dream offers with ease while working with their soulmate clients

Feeling nourished, connected to their bodily wisdom, and able to source their intuitive guidance within

Creating their dream relationships where they feel met at the emotional, sexual, and spiritual levels.

Tapping into new layers of femininity, relaxation, and pleasure in their daily lives


What my clients are saying

Soul Mentor  

Paloma Arbol

Feminine Arts  @solar.feminine.arts

Christina Louise McBoyle

Modern Witch Mentor

Jenni Guevara

Sacred Intimacy Coach @the_tantric_awakening

Mimi Bennani 

Soul Mentor 

Paloma Arbol

This is the deepest and most transformational work I’ve ever done. It's beyond anything I could have ever expected. I'm so grateful for the kind of woman I'm becoming thanks to our work.

Aurika holds space with such devotion, love and honor. The deep work that we do in every call creates a ripple effect in my life. I wish all women could experience her medicine.

Feminine Arts 

Christina Louise McBoyle

Aurika was so successful in preparing me for sacred union that by the time we were nearly completing our mentorship container, I was married to my beloved! She helped me somatically transform my core relationship patterns from the inside out at the root level.

Aurika's essence is quite rare and extraordinary, and she is endlessly more embodied, authentic, trustworthy, experienced and multidimensional than most people who call themselves “coaches” online.

Somatic Practitioner

Iara Vilardebo

velocity helped me step up as A CEO & have three 20k months in a row!

Velocity is for you if you want a truly balanced life and business. 

My favorite part about Velocity was Aurika’s devotion to each of her clients, and her as a role model. Aurika is fully embodied in her teachings and devoted to her service. 

It was life-changing to understand that the body comes first, so the business can come with it.

Sacred Intimacy Coach

Mimi Bennani 


I'm building a team with a whole new approach to what it means to be a CEO, not just a facilitator or coach. My identity and my work have changed in a big way. The somatic work is massively shifting everything and helping my family to thrive more! It is helping me to feel more spacious in my head and in my physical reality. I feel much more connected to my Feminine and much more availability for my relationship. So precious!

The way Aurika holds space is impacting the way I coach too. Aurika's transmissions are so deep, beautiful, incredible, and sharp. They are helping me be a better coach for my own clients. Velocity is so holistic! Aurika's coaching is impacting not just my business, but my whole life. I am infinitely grateful!

now it's your turn, beloved.

Pick your Pathway

6 month somatic business mastermind to accelerate your business success, create true wealth, and become the Whole Woman you're meant to be. 




5 month accelerator for newer coaches and self-development experts to build the strategic and energetic foundations for their soul-led business.


Master content creation, explore messaging, learn new ways of easeful launching, expand your capacity to receive more money and so much more.  

Self-Led Business Immersions


The 5-month somatic relationship mastermind for the woman longing to create a compatible relationship where she feels safe, cherished and chosen.

Sacred Beloved

2-week somatic immersion to reset your body, heart, sensuality, relationships, and leadership identity. 

the Great Feminine Reset

Masterclass and somatic experience to ignite his primal masculine impulse to cherish and claim you as the woman of this heart.

Claimed & Cherished




Want it all, my Queen? 

join the holy body membership

You're invited to join HOLY BODY, my somatic membership to expand your business, open to receive more love, and nourish the women at the center of it all.

HOLY BODY is a movement, a body-led lifestyle that honors the WHOLE WOMAN.

Here, deep devotional love, big wealth, monumental impact, delicious vitality, pleasure, peace in your nervous system, wild creativity, freedom of time are all… the baseline of your life.

body-led business

by Aurika Valan

The place where high level business strategy meets somatics.


Create a holistic business that generates big wealth, creates freedom of time, and feels like an extension of who you are as a Whole Woman.  


The Somac Res Quiz

Take this 3min free quiz to discover which area in your life is needing most somatic support and nourishment.

Upon the completion of the quiz, you'll immediately get a free somatic practice for that specific area in your life!

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Want personal shares, spiritually activating wisdom, business strategy, and relationship tips to your inbox every week? 

Want to feel more relaxed, alive, & nourished?

Take this free 3 minute quiz and discover which area in your life is most needing a somatic reset.

You'll immediately get a custom somatic practice to nourish that specific area in your life.

take the quiz
